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Maldives Vacation Cost

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Maldives Vacation Cost


why is the Maldives so expensive

Unveiling the Maldives Vacation Cost: Paradise at a Premium

Why is Maldives so expensive? It undoubtedly is one bougie destination. This string of islands in the Indian Ocean might be tiny, but it comes with a mega price tag. Moreover, the Maldives vacation cost has become a topic of interest for many travelers. Ever since folks started flocking here on vacation back in the 70s, tourism has ballooned into the islands’ top industry, raking in over a quarter of its GDP.

Most of that cash comes from high-rolling resorts on private islands that cater to folks with some deep pockets. Nevertheless, what gives? Just why does a vacation here cost so much? To clarify, let me break down the factors contributing to the Maldives vacation cost for you.

Maldives vacation cost, location

Why Is Maldives So Expensive?

There’s a whole mess of factors conspiring to drive prices through the roof here, which make up the eye-watering Maldives vacation cost. Mainly:

It’s out in the middle of nowhere – The isolation that gives these islands their charm also means astronomical airfare, since they ain’t cheap.

Luxury is the name of the game – High-end pampering is what attracts most visitors. They shell out big time for those sweet over-water bungalows and private plunge pools, significantly impacting the overall Maldives vacation cost.

They import everything – Resorts fly in all their goods, from food to towels, which adds a hefty price tag. Island life ain’t cheap!

That tourism tax though – The government slaps a tax on basically anything tourists purchase here, inflating costs across the board.

Limited land, unlimited demand – With less than 300 square km total area, desirable real estate is in short supply, while demand keeps growing. Cha-ching!

To put it another way, let’s delve deeper into what makes this island paradise so expensive and drives up the Maldives vacation cost.

Maldives vacation cost, for a holiday

Decoding Maldives Vacation Costs

Maldives Are Remote, Making Getting There Expensive

Reaching the Maldives takes some effort, significantly impacting the overall Maldives vacation cost. To clarify, we’re talking a whopping 5,000 miles from London and an even wilder 9,000 miles from LA.

Most people connect through the Middle East, India, or Sri Lanka just to make it out here. All those layovers tack on extra travel time and airfare costs. No direct routes here. As an illustration, according to the flight genies at Momondo, summer round trips from London average around $890. Moreover, LA travellers shell out over $1,380!

Furthermore, once you finally land in the capital Malé, you’ve still got to boat or seaplane it out to your island resort. That’s even more time and money, further inflating the Maldives vacation cost. This place straight up goes out of its way to be remote!

Maldives vacation cost, a seaplane

They Fly In Everything

In addition to transportation costs, all those brekkies and ocean-side cocktails contribute to the high Maldives vacation cost. To emphasize, the ingredients make the same long haul journey as the tourists just to get here!

Luxury goods like fine wines and caviar also fly in from afar. Consequently, they slap on a HEFTY markup for us vacationers with champagne wishes and caviar dreams.

Equally important, imports here are no joke. In 2023 they brought in $3 BILLION worth of stuff while only exporting $305 mil. When your country is 99.6% ocean, I guess you learn to splurge at the shops, which inevitably affects the Maldives vacation cost.

why is Maldives so expensive, the remoteness

The Luxury Factor in Maldives Vacation Costs

Undoubtedly, the Maldives is one high-end vacation spot, significantly influencing the Maldives vacation cost. To point out, we’re talking celebs and honeymooners willing to drop mad dollars for those sweet over-water bungalows and private plunge pools. With views this killer, can you blame ’em?

Equally important, until 2009, local hotels were straight-up banned here. The government forced everyone into private resorts on secluded islands. That gave the major luxury hotel chains total control to charge whatever they wanted, directly impacting the Maldives vacation cost. Open competition? Never heard of her.

In the light of recent changes, things are slowly evolving but high-roller resorts still dominate around here.

When you charter out an entire island just for your hotel, best believe that will cost a pretty penny. Also, they know rich folks will pay top dollar for pampered seclusion in paradise, which continues to drive up the Maldives vacation cost.

hotel spa

How Taxes and Real Estate Inflate Maldives Vacation Costs

Maldives Tourist Tax Adds to Your Costs

Above all, the Maldives tacks an extra 8% sales tax onto everything tourists buy here with something called the TGST, significantly impacting the Maldives vacation cost. TGST…T for tourist…see what they did there? On top of local sales tax, it’s an extra 8% on activities, hotels, everything!

To put it another way, compared to the 25% tax in parts of Europe, 8% ain’t horrible. Nevertheless, when rooms go for $250+ a night, that 8 points adds up real quick. Before you know it, you’re getting Bali Haied (that means robbed if you didn’t know), further increasing your Maldives vacation cost.

Maldives Property is Mega Expensive

In addition, the islands here string over 90,000 square km, but less than 300 square km are actually liveable land. Barely 5% of that gets developed for people to inhabit. With so little usable space, land costs a pretty penny, directly affecting the Maldives vacation cost. To clarify, reports show cheap islands still run $5 mil, while the high-end ones push $65 mil!

You best believe those roller-coaster land prices get passed onto tourists. Limited space plus endless demand equals a holiday budget thinner than those palm trees on the brochure. To sum up, paradise always comes at a price, inflating the Maldives vacation cost!

Maldives vacation cost, resorts

A Deep Dive into Maldives Vacation Costs

How Expensive Is a Holiday to the Maldives?

If you want to book a resort vacation in the Maldives, you better stash some serious money away. To clarify, even before you think about normal trip expenses like dining out or water sports ‘n stuff, just getting there and securing a hotel room will hit your wallet hard. The resorts range from pricey to “holy crap!” expensive – no joke.

For one thing, for two people splitting a room at a resort for a week, you’ll typically pay anywhere from $1,500 to $6,000 per traveller as part of your Maldives vacation cost. That includes round-trip flights and 7 nights of lodging. What’s more, if you want to ball out at one of those luxury over-water villa joints, basic week-long packages WITH flights can easily crest $13,000 a head.

Maldives vacation cost, by the pool

Furthermore, that’s just baseline. If you spring for first-class flights, private plunge pool villas, or all-inclusive food and drink deals, tack on an extra $700 to even $3,000 per person to your Maldives vacation cost. Given that the resort owns the whole island, you’ll probably want all-inclusive anyway. Otherwise, you’d have to eat at their restaurants and pay crazy rates a la carte.

Additionally, you’ll need around $100 to $500 total for airport transfers by speedboat or even seaplane, depending on how high-end your resort is.

In conclusion, the Maldives don’t come cheap. We’re talking mega bucks if you wanna live that island dream. But I guess those perfect beaches and crystal waters come at a premium, significantly impacting the overall Maldives vacation cost.

Maldives vacation cost, seaplane travel

Hidden Costs in Your Maldives Vacation Budget

Budgeting for a Trip to the Maldives

Alright, so you went ahead and booked that all-inclusive resort package to the Maldives. Nice move! Nevertheless, don’t go thinking that’s the last dollar you’ll spend on this vacation. There’s still a few things you’ll wanna budget for if you want the full island experience, further impacting your Maldives vacation cost.

First thing to remember, the Maldives are mostly about kicking back and relaxing, not blowing your cash on souvenirs. However, you’ll totally be tempted to fork over some funds to go snorkelling, scuba diving, fishing and all that in the tropical waters. To be specific, we’re talking around $50-80 per person for a snorkel session and $90-150 if you wanna scuba dive, adding to your Maldives vacation cost.

Maldives vacation cost, boat

Equally important is getting around to different islands. There’s a ferry but it’s sketchy at best. Going by speedboat is way more reliable but it’ll run you about $100 a ride. In the event that you wanna go farther, seaplanes are the way but prepare to pony up at least $500 per person per trip.

Furthermore, heads up – those all-inclusive packages don’t usually include drinks. And alcohol ain’t cheap thanks to the 22% tax. You’re looking at $10-15 per beer and cocktails starting at $20. If you wanna sip in style all week, tack on around $200 extra just for booze to your Maldives vacation cost.

To sum up, add it all up and budget at least an extra $900 per person for activities, transportation and drinking on a week-long vacation. And that’s a conservative estimate – you could easily blow way more living it up in paradise, significantly inflating your total Maldives vacation cost!

Maldives vacation cost, turtle

Is There a Cheaper Time to Visit the Maldives?

The Maldives has a dry season (November-April) and a rainy season (May-October). Given that the rainy season is less popular for tourism, that’s when you can sometimes score discounts on resort packages, potentially reducing your Maldives vacation cost.

Nevertheless, don’t expect crazy bargain basement prices though – it’s still the Maldives after all! However, compared to peak season, costs dip slightly when it’s wetter, offering some relief to your Maldives vacation budget.

Of course, more rain means more storms, grey skies and clouds even if it’s still hot and mostly sunny.

To put it another way, surfers dig the rainy season though since it brings gnarly waves. So if hanging ten is your thing, a “discount” vacation could still be radical, allowing you to potentially lower your Maldives vacation cost while enjoying your preferred activities.

Maldives vacation cost, Cocktails on a beach

Food and Lodging in the Maldives

How Expensive Is Food in the Maldives?

If you didn’t spring for the all-inclusive package at your resort, get ready to drop some coin on grub. To clarify, the restaurants at those ritzy resorts don’t come cheap, folks.

At the casual spots, you’ll pay $15-20 for simple fare like pizza, adding to your Maldives vacation cost. What’s more, if you want a fancier dining experience, entrées at the ritziest restaurants start at a cool $100 per person.

Given that you’re stuck on your resort island most of the time, it’s tough to find budget bites. Your best bet is to stay on an inhabited island near a town, where you can find local Maldivian joints and international fare for around $10 a head, potentially reducing your overall Maldives vacation cost.

Maldives vacation cost, accomodation

Finding Affordable Accommodations in Posh Paradise

Listen up if those resort rates are making you sweat – you can actually stay in the Maldives without winning the lottery! To point out, back in 2009, Maldivians got the OK to open guest houses on inhabited islands. Total game changer! We’re talking $30 a night for a guest house instead of a grand for a single resort night!

Nevertheless, you may not get the full pampered luxury experience. However, guest houses still offer decent digs – air conditioning, Wi-Fi, breakfast included. And you can get a taste of local island culture.

Pro tip: Do a guest house for most of your vacation then splurge on a resort at the end. Get the best of both worlds and potentially lower your Maldives vacation cost!

Why Paradise Costs a Pretty Penny

So why are those over-water bungalows leaving your bank account underwater? Well, the Maldives is seen as one of the planet’s most high-end luxury destinations. The resorts cater to jet-setting A-Listers and honeymooners willing to drop fat stacks on paradise. Furthermore, there’s a 16% tourism tax that drives up prices too.

Why Is Maldives So Expensive? Above all, it just ain’t easy to access a string of remote islands in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Most travellers are looking at long, expensive flights to get out there. Additionally, you still need boats or seaplanes to get from the airport to your resort island.

In conclusion, it’s supply and demand, baby! At least for those who can afford it, the Maldives vacation cost reflects its exclusivity and unique allure.

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Buying insurance is always valuable when travelling abroad. Therefore, enjoy your holiday in the Maldives stress-free with one of my favourite providers, Visitors Coverage Insurance.

Renting a Car in The Maldives

Indeed, renting a car in the Maldives is easy and is a great way to explore the Maldives freely. Consequently, I recommend booking yours with – they offer a variety of operators for all budgets.

Finding the Perfect Accommodation

The best way to book your accommodation in the Maldives is with In fact, it’s my go to site to compare and reserve places to stay each night, from affordable guesthouses to luxury hotels.

Booking Flights to The Maldives

Lastly, for air travel, I recommend booking your flight with Omio. Moreover, it has been my favourite platform for years, as it allows me to book the cheapest flights to visit The Maldives.


Soft Footprints

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