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Most Dangerous Places in Morocco to Visit

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Most Dangerous Places in Morocco to Visit


the most dangerous places in Morocco

Morocco’s 5 Most Dangerous Places

From the Atlas Mountains to Saharan dunes, Morocco entices adventurers with landscapes ripe for exploration. But thrills sometimes bring spills, so let’s spotlight the most dangerous places in Morocco before diving into this sun-drenched land of tagines and mint tea.

Though Morocco sees few troubles overall, popular destinations like bustling Casablanca or the Berber hill town of Imlil do harbor risks worth noting.

In gritty Casablanca, exercise caution in certain districts after dark where petty crime persists. And use extreme vigilance when hiking Mount Toubkal from Imlil, as nature and isolated extremists pose sporadic threats.

Yet despite perils, Morocco rewards intrepid travellers willing to properly prepare. Peer from rugged passes as clouds dance over the desert. Meet proud Berbers in age-old mountain hamlets. Discover your inner pioneer, albeit carefully. With sensible precautions, fascinating locales make for unforgettable adventures.


1. Casablanca: Urban Crime Hotspot

Among the Most Dangerous Places in Morocco

Beautiful but Potentially Dangerous

As a former colonial trading post and World War II hub portrayed in the iconic Humphrey Bogart film, Casablanca harbors an edgy past. This lingers in some districts where flashy malls and trendy beach clubs mingle alongside rougher residential areas.

The numbers don’t lie – Numbeo ranks Casablanca’s crime as “Moderate” compared to other metros. Concerns include petty theft, abundant narcotics-related incidents, and public corruption. Still, most visitor favourites like the lively medina bazaars and coastal Corniche escape the shadier dealings. Instead, exercise caution in certain suburbs like Derb Milan or Bernoussi after dark.

You’ll uncover Casablanca’s multiple personalities, but it’s wise to avoid confrontation and dangerous situations when possible. This grainy allure is part of what beckons thrill-seekers though!

dangerous places in Morocco, Imlil

2. Imlil: Remote Village Shaken by Tragedy

Now on List of Dangerous Places in Morocco

Atlas Mountain adventurers listen up! Imlil may flaunt those sweet lodges and to-die-for High Atlas views, but this humble trailhead ain’t for the faint of heart. Genuine thrills mean genuine spills if you ain’t savvy.

Let’s take a look at what you’re facing when you gazed up at that 13,000 ft beast Mt Toubkal, shall we? We gotta chat human dangers first, ’cause no joke – some extremist wackos viciously attacked backpackers here in 2018. Not cool at all. The baddies got busted but it still shakes your confidence, right?

The good news is the rules now make hiring an official guide mandatory for climbing Toubkal. These dudes know their mountains and won’t lead you astray. We locals wanna keep you safe so you can so enjoy our stunning peaks.

Oh and I didn’t even mention the weather yet! Sheeeesh, that sure changes fast when you’re halfway to outer space up here! One sec it’s blue skies and bam – next it’s a freakin blizzard! Those trails get real nasty real quick, with steep ravines and slippery rocks everywhere just waiting to take you down. Scroll through some pics of Aourirt n’Quassif Pass and Tizi Oussem – you see what I mean. Not for rookies!

So here’s the deal, folks – come to Imlil to challenge yourself on a hardcore mountain getaway, but ONLY if you prep properly with guides, gear, and weather know-how. We want everyone returning in one piece with epic tales. Stay smart out there you wild and crazy adventurers!

dangerous places in Morocco, Fez

3. Fez: Ancient Medina Navigating Modern Risks

Captivating but Still One of the Most Dangerous Places in Morocco

Heads up adventurers – Fez is hands down one of Morocco’s most enchanting cities, but that thousand-year-old medina maze definitely has a shady side too. I ain’t trying to deter you from visiting this incredible place. I’m just saying’ keep that street smarts on high alert!

Like most ancient quarters, the labyrinth of alleyways and tunnels burrowing under those legendary tanneries makes it mad easy to get twisted around. And you can bet slimy hustlers are posted up to take advantage! More than once I got led down dead-ends by “helpful” dudes pretending to show me the way out. Sneaky sneaky.

What you gotta watch for is kids posted on certain corners offering to guide you back to the main lanes. More often than not, they just try to purposely confuse you more so they can charge you to leave. Not cool.

My advice? Download and bookmark your riad before setting foot outside. And never pay for unofficial “help” in the medina alleys. Keep wandering and you’ll eventually find the exit or drag a shop owner over to point the way. Don’t panic!

For real though, the magic of Fez outweighs the hassles if you ask me. Just make sure to watch for pickpockets in crowded spots, always agree on taxi prices upfront, and avoid sketchy areas south of the medina once the sun goes down. Take all the usual precautions and this incredible city will stick with you for life!

dangerous places in Morocco, Sale

4. Salé

Rising Concerns Make This One of the Dangerous Places in Morocco

Fair warning – the beach town Salé might look all cute n’ quaint, but it legit scores a gnarly 73 on Numbeo’s safety scale! For real, that’s way sketchier than most global metros, even London. Locals won’t deny it’s got issues.

Now I know, I know – you wanna check out those pretty maritime views, maybe some old medina walls, right? Can’t blame ya! Just make Salé a day trip from Rabat instead of overnight. Trust me, some ‘hoods here get real seedy after dark.

And if you go, keep that street smarts radar on high, feel me? Don’t flash money or valuables, secure your bags, all that. Petty theft and pickpocketing staff definitely lurk around tourist spots like Plage de Salé Ville Beach waiting to pounce. Consider yourself warned!

But again, very doable for a short visit if you avoid trouble zones and take normal precautions. Just expect a little extra vigilance if you wanna peek Salé’s highlights without headaches! You got this!

dangerous places in Morocco, Taghazout

5. Taghazout: Popular Surf Town

Unexpectedly Added to Dangerous Places in Morocco

I straight up love Taghazout. This funky Berber surf village dishes out killer waves, epic sunsets behind the Mini Atlas peaks, and a lively backpacker scene that keeps the good vibes pumping’ all day n’ night. The super chill coastal views definitely live up their hype.

But let’s get 100, I’d be lying if I said it was all perfect in paradise. Lately they’ve struggled hard with janky infrastructure, pollution, petty theft on the beaches – stuff that harshs the mellow atmosphere a bit.

Word is the seawater got so contaminated it started spreading gnarly stomach bugs and rashes among the surfers and swimmers. Not a great look. And those mini-mountains block cell signals, so lots of dropped calls and crappy internet too.

Still – as “danger zones” go, I’d say Taghazout is moderate. The natural beauty alone makes it worth a visit if you ask me. Just secure the valuables, maybe BYO water, and have a backup way to reach folks in case things go left. Take normal precautions and you’ll score epic wave action with memories for life!

dangerous places in Morocco, Fnaa snake show
Snake Show, Fnaa Marrakech

Most Dangerous Places In Morocco:

Our Conclusion

From chilling in the Atlas Mountains to exploring the cities, we highlight parts in Morocco that you should approach with caution. Sure, some favourites like Imlil and surf mecca Taghazout made the list, but hey – consider it a heads up so you can avoid shady situations. Forewarned is forearmed!

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