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Prague Travel Itinerary: What Not to Do

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Prague Travel Itinerary: What Not to Do


Prague Travel Itinerary, Charles bridge, Czech Republic

Prague Travel Itinerary: What Not to Do in Prague

A Guide to Avoiding Tourist Clichés

To save you from those tourist clichés in the Czech capital, here is our quick Prague travel itinerary focusing on what not to do. While there is no doubting Prague’s history and architectural splendour, the city is home to a handful of beleaguered tourist sights that should be given a wide berth.

Our tried and tested insider tips on how best to avoid the hordes and the rip-offs will ensure your Prague travel itinerary is nothing short of delightful.

Prague Travel Itinerary, beer on the square

Prague Travel Itinerary: An Introduction to What Not to Do in Prague

Home to the world’s largest castle complex and a city alive in beer gardens, Prague offers much to explore. With a vibrant nightlife, beautiful buildings, and annual festivals, it is no surprise that Prague has long been known to the world as “the heart of Europe.”

This former home to Franz Kafka and present home to the world’s oldest working clock is a must-see city. But because Prague is now such a well-known destination, many tourist traps have developed. Use these Prague travel itinerary insider tips to help you avoid these tourist pitfalls and experience the city instead of the long lines.

Though thriving tourism has its benefits, it can also lead visitors astray. Our Prague travel itinerary guide will highlight what not to do in Prague so your time in this bewitching city stays smooth sailing from start to finish. Full steam ahead!

What Not to Do in Prague:

Prague Travel Itinerary, WENCESLAS

Prague Travel Itinerary: 9 Things to Swerve

1. Dodge Wenceslas Square After Dark

Wenceslas Square might seem like a can’t-miss spot on your Prague sightseeing checklist. But here’s the inside scoop – some savvy travellers suggest steering clear of the area at night. Sure, the odds of becoming a crime statistic are still low. But why roll the dice when prevention trumps cure?

It isn’t only the crowds that can get crazy after dark. This historic plaza saw massive protests back in ’68 during the Soviet crackdown. Today though? Strip clubs and shady characters tied up in the sex tourism trade have moved into the neighbourhood. Not exactly family-friendly, if ya catch my drift.

Now if you need to pass through downtown later in the evening, go ahead and take alternate streets nearby. Or bypass it altogether by hopping on the metro. Will you miss soaking in the architecture under the moonlight? Maybe – but wandering quieter neighbourhoods can reveal a more authentic Prague too.

Point is, that the area draws the seedy underbelly once the sun sets. And life’s too short to deal with that nonsense on vacation. Wenceslas Square still tells an important story – make sure your Prague travel itinerary includes a visit when the good guys are out.

Prague Travel Itinerary, SOUVENIRS

2. Avoid Souvenir Shopping Clichés

Look, we get it – you want a unique souvenir to remember your Prague adventure. But skip the schlocky shops peddling kitschy “I Love Prague” caps or janky knock-off soccer jerseys at laughable prices. I mean, come on. Is that embarrassing Russian nesting doll really the memory you wanna take back home? Me thinks not.

Opt for the real deal instead – genuine handcrafted goods that capture true Czech artistry. We’re talking delicate jewellery, aromatic beauty products, playful wooden toys…the good stuff.

Prague travel itinerary, flea market
Flea Market in Prague

Make your way over to the hip Mint Design Market held on weekends at Prazska Trznice. With local makers selling their wares beside the scenic Vltava River, you can’t go wrong. Or hit up the bustling’ flea market stretching along the riverbanks to uncover hidden gems.

Commemorate your Euro trip with quality craftsmanship and old world charm – isn’t that what travel memories are made of? No need for mass-produced kitsch when Prague offers so much authenticity…if you know where to look.

Trust me, your Prague travel itinerary will be far more memorable if you take the road less travelled when it comes to souvenirs.

Prague Travel Itinerary, clock tower

3. Steer clear of Clock-Watching Crowds

You’ve likely seen photos of that striking astronomical clock tower in Old Town, the one near City Hall. Picturesque? No doubt. But worth braving the crowds when the clock chime spectacle goes down? Many will tell ya otherwise.

Now that’s not to say skip it completely. The dancing skeleton and crowing rooster put on quite the show. But good luck catching more than a glimpse when hordes of people cram in to watch, especially during peak tourist season.

Instead, try visiting during off-hours when you can actually admire the architectural details. Or head to the U Prince hotel’s rooftop terrace nearby – taking in the historic tower with cocktails in hand? Now that’s tough to beat.

The clock’s earned its fanfare, but you gotta ask if craning your neck in a sea of selfie sticks is the ideal experience. Get a dose of the magic, sure, but know your options to take it all in. A smart Prague travel itinerary prioritizes spontaneity and unique viewpoints over following the crowds.

Prague travel itinerary, ticket sellers

A Prague Travel Itinerary Warning

4. Beware the Costumed Concert Hawkers

You’ve probably seen them – folks dressed up in medieval costumes hawking classical concert tickets. Intriguing? Maybe. But plenty of those ticket hustlers in Prague ain’t exactly trustworthy.

The hard truth is some will sell you tickets claiming you’ll see a symphony orchestra at a concert hall…when it’s amateur musicians at a random venue. Shady, I know.

So do yourself a favour and book tickets directly through the official orchestra website if you wanna catch a performance. Prague has several solid groups to choose from. One thing though – they usually take the summer off, so you might be outta luck catching a show from mid-July through August.

The getups grab your attention, I’ll give ’em that. But don’t let the flashy façade fool you. Do your homework to make sure you’re seeing the real deal and not some watered-down impersonation.

A well-planned Prague travel itinerary should include authentic cultural experiences, not tourist traps. You came for high-caliber musicians – make sure that’s what you get.

charles bridge

5. Dawn’s Serenity on Charles Bridge

A Prague Travel Itinerary Must

I recommend avoiding the Charles Bridge during the tourist-ridden hours of the day. It would not be an entirely pleasant experience.

The Hansel-and-Gretel bridge in Prague’s Old Town rivals Prague Castle as the top tourist draw, victim of its own success. Postcard-perfect Gothic towers & Baroque statues but crowds swallow faster than Kafka.

Rather than selfie sticks high noon, opt for Charles Bridge at early morning sunrise. Peace and a magical aura reign before the masses arrive. Or try dusk when vendors are lively. It offers the best views and a perfect selfie opportunity.

Isn’t wandering this ornate beauty at sunrise, awed by Gothic towers, enough to get you out of bed? When I finally did, nothing quite beat it, especially on a cold sunny spring day.

If timing doesn’t allow, cross the less-trafficked Strelecky Ostrov bridge instead. Snap that classic castle and Charles Bridge panorama from afar without the hassle.

Or simply meander Prague’s maze of cobblestone lanes rather than joining the cattle drive. A smart Prague travel itinerary rewards those who stray off the beaten path in this fairytale city.

6. Karlova Street Chaos: A Prague Travel Itinerary Detour

Another spot in Prague plagued by hordes of tourists? Yup, that perfectly picturesque Karlova Street. Crammed into narrow lanes, battling relentless crowds. Aah, the headache-inducing joys of sightseeing! And don’t forget the pickpockets lurking about!

Hate to break it to ya, but there’s not much charm left thanks to rows of cheesy souvenir shops choking the character from these streets. Do yourself a favour and seek out neighbourhoods yet untouched by mass tourism.

Instead, escape into serene 14th-century courtyards by passing through Klementinum, left of Karlova. Or discover historic Havel’s Market – now that’s how to glimpse local life!

Prague’s architectural allure spans far beyond overexposed postcard shots. Venture away from the selfie-stick-wielding masses to uncover cobblestone corners of authenticity.

Karlova may play up the old-world vibe, but scratch below the surface and you’ll find the magic’s gone missing. A well-crafted Prague travel itinerary should stray off the beaten path, don’t you think?

Prague Travel Itinerary, tram

7. Tram 22 Troubles

Navigate Prague’s Public Transit Wisely

Trams are a convenient way to soak in the Prague sights on a budget. But here’s the catch – pickpockets totally take advantage of crammed public transit to run their scheming scams. Especially on the route 22 line from Karlovo Namesti to Prague Castle. Groups will pull shady diversions, using the distraction to dip into your pockets and swipe valuables quicker than you can blink. Not cool.

So keep your purse or backpack sealed tight and stay alert, my friend. Tourists make easy marks for these petty crooks, so maintain next-level awareness when riding the rails. If someone’s behaviour seems sketchy? Trust those instincts.

When riding at night, there’s safety in numbers – so travel in a group if possible. And never, ever leave valuables unattended, even for a minute. If you wanna bypass the infamous 22, hop on the busier 41 tram instead. You can easily buy tickets onboard from the conductor, no advance purchase is needed.

Prague’s trams help you live like a local, but they also provide a haunt for hustlers. Don’t let the baddies ruin your trip. Stay vigilant and avoid isolated cars, especially with pricey goods.

You gotta keep your eyes peeled if you wanna emerge from this ride unscathed! A savvy Prague travel itinerary includes knowing how to navigate the city safely, ensuring your experience remains enjoyable and hassle-free.

Prague Travel Itinerary, exchange

8. Street-Side Currency Exchanges

A Prague Travel Itinerary No-No

Lugging around a wad of Euros you’re itching’ to swap for some koruna? Hold up, you might wanna peep this first. Apparently, there’s sketchy street exchanges posting up tempting no-fee, killer rate offers. But – plot twist – it’s a total scam promising far more than they can deliver.

Here’s their game – they’ll low-ball the official exchange rate, slyly tacking on hidden fees. Or pawn off outdated foreign coins. Or worst case, stick ya with completely phony forged bills. Brutal.

Do yourself a favour and stick to certified bureaus like Alfa Prague or Broadway Change for fair, legit rates. Another option – just bring Koruna straight from your bank back home. Or pull out cash only at brand name ATMs you know and trust when in need.

Saving a few bucks ain’t worth risking your hard-earned money at some shady store-front operation. Trust me, those “too good to be true” offers never pan out.

Watch your wallet and exchange smart if you wanna stretch your cash abroad. A wise Prague travel itinerary includes knowing how to handle your money safely. The hustle is real, but you can outsmart ’em!

Prague Travel Itinerary, taxis

9. Taxi Troubles: Prague’s Transport Pitfalls

Brace yourself: Prague’s taxis are prime targets for scammers angling’ to take you for a ride. We’re talking unmetered trips and absurdly inflated rates – doesn’t matter if you agreed on a price already. Heck, they’ve even duped the mayor before! No one’s safe out here.

Their M.O.? Quoting flat fees that somehow balloon to outrageous sums by the time you reach your destination. Even companies that seem “legit” let their drivers get away with highway robbery daily. Tell me – does that sound like a relaxing vacation to you?!

Do yourself a solid and book rides through Bolt, Uber, or Liftago instead. Accounts are tied to drivers, so no surprise meter shenanigans can go down. Or ask your hotel to pre-arrange an airport transfer with locked-in pricing upfront.

Don’t let sketchy cabbies take you for a spin. A savvy Prague travel itinerary includes knowing how to get around safely. Consider this intel your first defense against scammers angling to lighten your wallet. Now get out there, have an awesome time, and ride easy knowing what not to do in Prague when it comes to transportation!

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