Soft Footprints

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Why Beach Clean Ups Are So Vital

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Why Beach Clean Ups Are So Vital


A woman picking up litter assisting with beach clean ups

At Soft footprints we have always aimed to guide travellers to lesser-known destinations and scenic spots. My love of exploring, especially finding great snorkelling areas or picturesque bays recommended by locals, has made me appreciate pristine, litter-free nature. It makes me sad to see pretty nature spots like Bali’s beaches ruined by litter and in need of one of our special beach clean ups. As someone who enjoys the outdoors, seeing litter anywhere, but particularly in special natural areas is upsetting.

Leave Nothing but Soft Footprints

As we say, “Leave nothing but soft footprints.” Soft meaning our impact on the local environment is minimal – non-existent even. This is why we want to seek out unspoiled beaches but also help restore untidy ones to their natural state, by helping out with one of the many beach clean ups worldwide.I feel a personal responsibility to protect these special places like the coral reefs off the coast of Mexico.

Have you looked forward to taking beautiful beach photos, only to find litter everywhere? Or have you seen an adorable sea creature crawling out of a glass bottle underwater? I’ve experienced the disappointment of this sight first-hand on my travels to Hawaii’s once beautiful shorelines. Unfortunately, ocean litter is omnipresent whether you’re looking for it or not. This debris threatens marine life and coastal communities’ livelihoods.

The good news is, since humans caused this pollution problem, we can solve it too. Seeing the plastic waste piled up on the famous Bay of Fires in Tasmania gives me hope that through our actions, we can turn this crisis around.

This is precisely why a beach clean up as well as underwater cleaning is so vital. By joining these events, you directly improve the marine environment while raising awareness about the issue. Your efforts protect the pristine destinations we all aim to experience and preserve. I am committed to doing my part through volunteering for beach clean up wherever I go, whether it’s the Mediterranean beaches of Greece or the rocky coasts of Nova Scotia.

Leave nothing but your footprints sign.
Our mantra at Soft footprints, well said!

Please let me explain the key reasons we believe this can make a big difference:

1. Beach Clean Ups Help Spread Awareness

At beach clean up events, you’ll meet all kinds of people locals, visitors, kids and adults. This makes clean ups a great chance to raise awareness about ocean pollution with the community and a wider audience. The experience may even inspire some volunteers to organize future clean ups!

At beach clean ups events, you can teach people about ocean pollution and prevention. While most know litter is bad, some may not understand the full impacts.

You can share facts through fun, interactive games during the clean up. This increases community engagement in an inspiring way that empowers people to improve their waste habits.

By participating, you help spread vital knowledge about the ocean litter crisis. The more people become aware of the issue, the more they feel motivated to be part of the solution through simple actions in daily life. Your efforts leave a lasting impact by educating others.

Volunteer picking up beach litter.
Volunteer picking up trash left on a beach

2. Beach Clean Ups Stop Ocean Litter

Waves and currents wash a lot of litter onto our coastlines. In a way, this is good. When litter is on land, it can’t freely float in the ocean harming marine life as easily. However, litter on beaches still threatens land animals.

The impacts of ocean debris are serious for sea and land creatures. litter causes animals to ingest, suffocate, or get tangled in it. For example, litter can block baby turtles from reaching the ocean after hatching. Or an albatross might mistake plastic for food and feed it to its chick by accident.

Plastic products never truly break down. Instead, they fragment into tiny microplastics that contaminate the food chain. While marine debris harms ocean dwellers, it can also be hazardous to humans. So beach clean ups benefit marine life, land animals, and people.

Plastic doesn’t degrade it only breaks into smaller pieces that animals mistake for food. This contaminates the food chain, risking human health too. Clean ups protect all life by removing hazardous litter from coastal areas before it re enters oceans. Your clean up efforts directly reduce harm to creatures on both land and sea.

Litter piled up after one of our beach clean ups
Litter collected in a beach clean up, ready to be recycled

3. Underwater Clean Ups Protect Sea Life

Seahorses should cling to coral and seagrass not cotton swabs or face masks. Whales ought to swim freely, not get trapped in abandoned fishing nets called “ghost nets.” Marine creatures are meant to live in their natural habitats, not surrounded by human litter. You wouldn’t want someone dumping garbage outside your home, right?

Underwater beach clean ups remove these dangers from ocean environments, making them safer places for sea life to live. Marine debris exposed to sunlight breaks down, releasing harmful chemicals into the water that threaten animals and human health. So clean ups also reduce toxic pollutants, benefiting all life.

By removing hazards and toxins, underwater clean up events create a cleaner, safer underwater world for marine species to thrive in their natural habitats. You directly improve and protect these fragile ecosystems when you participate. Every piece of debris removed makes a real difference.

Scuba diver cleaning up plastic rubbish floating in the ocean.
Plastic rubbish polluting the ocean

4. Clean Ups Benefit Your Community

Litter isn’t just ugly living around litter can harm your health. Broken glass and sharp metal can cause injuries. But even worse are the toxic chemicals that leach from plastics, batteries, and other materials, polluting water sources.

Piles of dumped litter also attract pests like insects and rodents that spread diseases. Studies show constant exposure to waste areas can lead to low self worth and depression. But a clean, green environment lifts people’s moods, meaning happier residents.

When you join a local beach clean up, you directly improve your community’s health and well being. Beach clean ups eliminate hazards that could injure people, especially children. It also gets rid of breeding grounds for disease carrying pests and sources of toxic pollution. Just as importantly, your efforts beautify public spaces, boosting community pride.

A single beach clean up can transform neglected areas into pleasant spaces you feel good living near. By taking just a few hours to pick up litter, you make your neighbourhood cleaner, greener, and safer for everyone. Your participation delivers immediate benefits you can see and feel impacting your daily life.

Community volunteers participating in beach clean ups.
Community volunteers participating in beach clean ups

5. Cleaner Beaches Boost Local Businesses

Many coastal towns rely on tourism to make a living from restaurants to hotels and water sports. But no one wants a dirty, littered beach in their vacation photos or to stay in a polluted area. It’s no surprise that clean, beautiful beaches attract more tourists.

This helps local businesses by bringing in more customers. But tourists can also market the area through their social media photos and posts showing off the pristine shorelines. People are more likely to promote and visit clean beach environments, which benefits the local economy.

When you volunteer for a beach clean up, you make the area more appealing to tourists. Their spending at local shops, restaurants, hotels and activities provides jobs and income to support your community. Simply by picking up litter, you help draw visitors whose money keeps small businesses thriving.

Your clean up efforts don’t just remove unsightly litter they directly boost revenue for coastal towns by creating an attractive destination that tourists want to experience and share with others online. Pristine beaches equal happy tourists, successful local businesses, and more money circulating through your community’s economy.

Tourists on busy seafront enjoying themselves after beach clean ups
Boracay Island Philippines, benefiting from regular beach clean ups

6. Get litter Data to Help Fix Pollution

During a beach clean up, apps like Clean Swell and Dive Against Debris help record litter data. Volunteers track and report the types of litter found. This important information can help policymakers create long term solutions to reduce ocean pollution and improve waste management.

Sorting the litter shows people exactly what kinds of waste are most common. Seeing it up close raises awareness about consumption habits. It may inspire people to pursue zero waste lifestyles or make smarter shopping choices.

When you join a beach clean up, you don’t just pick up litter you also gather data that shapes future policies and change. The litter information directly influences decisions by leaders to protect marine environments through new laws and waste reduction plans.

Your efforts provide evidence to pinpoint major pollution sources and create targeted solutions. Simply recording what you collect translates into powerful data that drives real progress globally in solving the ocean litter crisis.

Your beach clean up participation both removes debris from beaches and waterways while also collecting the hard facts needed to fix pollution problems at the source through smarter policies.

Volunteers sorting beach litter after beach clean up.
Volunteers sorting litter for recycling after beach clean up

7. Beach Clean Ups Allow Proper Litter Disposal

By collecting litter from beaches and underwater, you give that litter a second chance. During a beach clean up, you may find items that can be upcycled or recycled for reuse. And sorting the litter data allows you to properly dispose of or recycle it, instead of just sending it all to the landfill.

With the correct approach to waste management you can improve more than just the health of the ocean. It can boost economic growth, make people healthier, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. If inspired to organize your own clean up, check with local groups to learn the environmentally friendly way to conduct them.

But don’t forget while clean ups remove existing litter, being mindful of your consumption and reducing waste at the source is the best solution to the litter problem overall.

When you volunteer, you ensure litter is responsibly recycled, repurposed or disposed of correctly instead of remaining in nature. Your efforts give discarded items a second life while keeping plastic and other pollutants from contaminating the environment further.

Cleaning up and properly disposing of litter are equally important for protecting oceans, lands and human communities.

I truly believe that participation makes a positive impact every step of the way.

People sorting beach clean up litter at recycling facility.
Sorting beach clean up litter at a recycling facility.


Soft Footprints

At Soft Footprints we aim to give you all the information you need to make your next adventure something special! 

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